Six Years Ago Today

April 17th, 2005 the doors of CrossPointe Church were opened for the first time.  After months of prayer and preparation, that day was an exciting one!

A ragtag group of people spent their Saturday, the 16th, getting everything ready…

This was the stuff we piled into that building, week after week.

Yep, thats Arabella. She was two months old.

Recognize Krystee Edwards? She can push a broom with the best of them.

And Justin Finney provided some manpower that day!

Then the 1st service…

Welcome to CrossPointe

Kids Church Room

The Nursery - from Birth to 4 years.. can you believe that!

Some familiar faces in the "crowd".

Joseph and Brad. Its hard to believe that they look eye to eye now.

Do not ask how this photo got in the mix. And no, I did not take it! Sorry, Paul.

Here we were.

There were a few more people that this there... a few.

In fact, we met many new friends that day. Its blurry, but thats Chris & Sonya.

My baby, doing what he does!

Six years later, God has richly blessed this little redemptive project we like to call CrossPointe.  He has allowed us to move to a wonderful location that better fits us in our growth, he has pulled our family close to him as he has pushed our human limitations, and he has shown us immeasurable grace in the process.

CrossPointe is not where it was, or where it will be in six more years, but my constant prayer is that it is right where God wants it to be.  Today.

Brad, still doing what he does and will continue to do, by the Grace of our God

~ by JenEvangelista on April 17, 2011.

4 Responses to “Six Years Ago Today”

  1. That made me cry!!!

  2. Awesome!

  3. I’m so very glad we were there that day six years ago, and I’m still very glad to be at CP today! I’ve enjoyed the journey so far and looking forward to where it leads. Thanks for sharing these memories.

  4. We may not have been there that 1st day, but I thank God everyday for bringing our family to Crosspointe!!!

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